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Quotes are available for engine sizes from 49cc to 125cc models
What's the difference between a scooter and moped?
The Motorcycle Industry Association (MCIA) defines a scooter as having an engine that is an integral part of the rear suspension, or the chassis is a step through type. This is regardless of engine capacity or wheel size.
A moped is defined as a motorised two-wheel vehicle with an engine capacity of less than 50cc and a top speed of approximately 31mph.
Information for 16 year olds
If you're aged 16 and want to ride a moped or scooter on the road you'll need to hold a provisional licence, have completed a compulsory basic training course (CBT) and you'll need to display L plates (D plates in Wales). You must not carry a pillion passenger or ride on a motorway.
Motorbike insurance explained
Motorcycle insurance is required by law. It is to make sure people can cover the costs of any riding related damage or injury. For example if you crash your bike into someone else, motorcycle insurance will pay for the repairs to the other vehicle.
The most important part of looking for a suitable insurance policy is understanding what cover you need and what type of risk you are to an insurance company.
An insurance company will look at a number of factors to determine what type of risk you are i.e. how likely you are to make a claim on a policy, such as:
your riding history (have you a number of prior claims or convictions which may make you a greater risk?)
the area in which you live (is there a lot of vehicle crime in your area?)
the type of bike you ride (is it a high-performance bike?)
Almost every piece of information you are asked when you get a quote will have some influence on the cost of your bike insurance.
Motorbike insurance is there to offer both financial cover and peace of mind for you and everyone else on or about the road.
How do insurance companies protect the victims of uninsured motorists?
Even though by law you have to have motor insurance, you can guarantee that somewhere there is someone on the road without insurance cover.
In 1946 the Motor Insurers' Bureau was created. It ensures victims of untraced or uninsured motorists are compensated for their losses. All motor insurers must be members of the bureau and contribute to its funding.
The Bureau has a database with details of private and fleet motor insurance policyholders. The police can access the database and see whether or not motorists have current insurance during spot checks, or at the scene of an accident. The Motor Insurance Database is currently run by the Motor Insurers' Information Centre.
When an uninsured or untraced motorist injures a third party or damages their property, the third party should receive compensation from the Motor Insurers' Bureau.
If a motorbike is stolen and the thief damages property or injures someone, the insurance company for the bike will be liable to pay the costs involved.
The basics to bike insurance
Documentation or paperwork
When you purchase your motorbike insurance, your insurance company will send you documentation to prove you are legally insured to ride on the road. You'll have to show proof of insurance for example if you get stopped by the police for any reason. The law currently gives you seven days to prove your valid insurance cover to the police.
You should receive the following documents from your insurance company:
Cover note
A cover note is a temporary certificate of insurance which is usually issued to allow either a broker or insurer time to complete their paperwork before they issue the full certificate. It usually lasts for 30 days.
Certificate of insurance
This is the document that proves your legal motor insurance cover as required by the Road Traffic Act.
Schedule and/or policy document
The schedule and/or policy document sets out the full terms and conditions of your insurance policy.
Remember! You should always read all the documents sent to you, firstly to check that the level of cover you agreed with the insurance company is correct and to also make you aware of any policy exclusions. It is your responsibility to be aware of the exact cover you have agreed. If you have any concerns or queries, contact your broker or insurance company.
Types of policy available
You can choose from three main types of policy for your bike, and each offer a different level of cover.
Third Party Only (TPO)
The minimum level cover required by law in the UK, TPO cover includes:
liability for damage or injury to a third party
damage to property
It does not include damage to your motorbike or personal injury, or if your bike is stolen or set on fire.
Third Party Fire and Theft (TPFT)
This protects you against claims made against you as a result of an accident, as well as:
your bike being stolen
any damage caused to your bike during a theft or attempted theft
It doesn't include damage to your motorbike or personal injury.
Comprehensive cover generally allows you to claim for any damage to your motorbike (except for anything outlined in your policy exclusions), and:
accidental damage to your motorbike
medical expenses
You may also be able to get a free temporary replacement motorbike if yours needs to be fixed after an accident; check your policy documents to see if your policy includes this.
Policy exclusions
All policies have exclusions. They tell you what type of activities your insurance will not cover you to do. These exclusions vary from one insurance company to another, but a common example is you will not be covered by your insurance if you race your motorbike.
If you get caught racing without the proper insurance cover, you will be fined and receive points on your licence. This will mean your insurance premium will increase substantially when your policy is due for renewal. You will have to foot the bill for any damage caused as your insurance company will not pay out on any claim.
So before buying an insurance policy, please check the terms & conditions for any exclusions that apply to the policy.
Riding other motorbikes
Riding other motorbikes cover allows you to ride another motorbike with the owner's permission in an emergency situation. Some comprehensive policies give this cover, you need to check your policy documents to see if it is included in your motorbike insurance policy.
An excess is your contribution towards any claim. You need to pay the excess to the garage who repaired your bike when you pick it up.
Let's say you have a claim for accidental damage, and your accidental damage excess is £100. If the cost of the claim is £500 you will pay the first £100 of the claim leaving your insurance company to pay the remaining £400. Sometimes it isn't worth making a claim on your insurance. For example if you have a £100 excess and your claim is worth less than £100 then there is little point approaching your insurer as your excess is more than the total damage cost.
The main excess types are:
Compulsory excess
This is the excess your insurance company decides you must pay if you make a claim on your policy. Policies with young drivers or higher value motorbikes tend to have higher compulsory excesses.
Voluntary excess
When you take out an insurance policy, you can choose to pay more towards the cost of a claim. In doing so you can reduce the price of your premium, but you will have to pay more excess in the event of a claim.
When you take out an insurance policy, you can choose to pay more towards the cost of a claim. In doing so you can reduce the price of your premium, but you will have to pay more excess in the event of a claim.
You have to pay both the compulsory and voluntary excesses, for example if your compulsory excess is £200 and you choose a voluntary excess of £150, you will have to pay £350 in total.
All in all, you need to weigh up the final cost to you. Pay a higher excess and get a cheaper premium, but risk paying more if you need to claim; or pay a lower excess with a higher premium and have less to pay if you make a claim.
No claims discount
For every year you're insured and don't make an insurance claim you will build up a no claims discount. The amount of discount you receive can vary but could be from around 30% discount the first year, increasing to around 60% for your fourth year.
If you make a claim on your policy and your insurance company can't recover their costs, it will affect your no claims discount even if the accident was not your fault. It is a 'no claim' not a 'no blame' discount.
Should you have a claim which is considered to be your fault then you will lose some of your no claims discount. The amount of discount you lose will vary from one insurance company to the next.
Optional extras for bike insurance
Sometimes you want some extra cover on your insurance, which isn't included in the policy itself, for example you may want breakdown cover. This extra cover is known as an optional extra or ancillary product and can be bought with your insurance policy.
Legal assistance or protection
Also known as legal cover or Uninsured Loss Recovery, legal assistance helps cover legal costs following an accident where a third party was at fault.
Legal professionals will deal with your case for you and try to recover any losses on your behalf, for example medical losses, loss of earnings or recovering your policy excess. They will also make a claim for compensation for you if you are injured.
Breakdown cover
You've got the motorbike, bought the leathers, found a good deal on your motorbike insurance and you've somewhere to be. Unfortunately you're stuck on the side of a road trying to call someone you know who can help you out because your motorbike has broken down and you don't have any breakdown cover.
Here at Gocompare.com you can get quotes for breakdown cover from some of the largest breakdown recovery specialists. You get to choose the level of cover you actually need and you don't have to spend a fortune to get the peace of mind of knowing the next time you break down, someone will soon be there to help you. Motorbike breakdown policies start from as little as £26.50 when you use Gocompare.com.
There are four types of cover available:
If your motorbike can't be fixed locally, you'll get recovery for the vehicle and a set number of people to any mainland destination.
Home Start
Provides additional cover if your bike won't start at, or near to, your home address.
Onward Travel
If you’re away from home and breakdown and prompt repair is not possible, you will generally be provided with a replacement hire motorbike (dependant on the insurers terms and conditions), overnight accommodation or reasonable onward travel expenses.
European Cover
Protection when riding in Europe, generally covered for up to 31 days per trip and 90 days per year in total (Please check each company's terms for details of the countries covered).
Protected no claims discount
Once you have built up four or more years no claims discount, you may be able to protect your no-claims discount. This means that if you make a claim on your insurance, your discount is protected and you will not lose two year’s no claims bonus discount.
The claim would however be a part of your claims history and would have to be declared for possibly the next five years, every time you take out a another insurance policy.
Although your discount is protected, it's highly likely that your premium will go up when your policy is renewed as you are seen as a greater risk to the insurer i.e. you have more chance of making a claim, so they will charge more for the insurance.
Travelling in Europe
Before taking a trip on your motorbike to visit our European neighbours, you need to make sure you have the following and take them with you:
Insurance certificate (a Green Card isn't needed in EU countries)
V5 registration document (original)
A modern driving licence with a photo
European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) entitling a UK resident to reduced or free medical treatment when visiting the EU
European breakdown cover; (is advisable)
If you don't have the correct documentation when you ride your bike abroad, some countries will impose heavy fines or even confiscate your bike so make sure you have everything you need!
How bike insurance quotes are calculated
Insurance companies take lots of factors into account when working out what to charge you for your motorbike insurance, which is why they ask so many questions. They work out what type of risk you are to them (how likely it is that you will make a claim on your policy) and charge you accordingly.
They will look at:
Claims history
If you've made a claim on your motor insurance in the last 5 years, you must tell your insurance company about it. If an insurance company has had to pay out for a claim, they will see you as a greater risk to them and charge you more for your policy.
Having made a claim doesn't necessarily condemn you to paying huge sums for your motorbike insurance though. Just run a quote through Gocompare.com and we'll bring you prices from the most competitive motorbike insurance companies in the market.
An insurance company will ask for information about who will be riding your bike, including their riding history, age, claims and convictions history etc. Adding a rider under 25 who has a speeding conviction and has previously crashed their bike will certainly increase your insurance costs compared to letting a 40 year old with a no claims or convictions ride your motorbike.
Riding convictions
It stands to reason, the more riding convictions you have, the more you will be charged for your insurance – someone who speeds habitually may be seen as having more chance of being involved in an accident and so will cost their insurance company money.
Insurance companies will generally ask for your conviction history for the last 5 years.
Medical conditions
If you have had, or currently suffer from a medical condition or disability that may affect your riding you must tell the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA). They then decide whether to place any restrictions on your driving licence. If you don't have a restricted licence, then insurance companies can't charge you any more for your insurance as you are not an increased risk to them.
For further information regarding Medical Conditions please use this link: http://www.dvla.gov.uk/medical/ataglance.aspx †
Motorbike insurance companies will ask you how many miles you cover per year because the more time you spend out on the road, the greater the chance of you having an accident or making a claim.
Some occupations attract higher insurance premiums than others. For example paying out on a claim for a professional sportsperson is going to cost an insurance company a lot more than say an office worker. Other occupations that may increase your insurance premiums are working on licensed premises and entertainers.
By using a comparison site like Gocompare.com you'll be able to look for a good deal and compare insurance policies so you can find one that is best suited to what you need.
It's important that your motorbike is kept as securely as possible to help keep your insurance premiums down. Examples of security devices are motorbike chains, ground anchors or alarm and immobilisers.
Marking and identification
Put as many security markings on your bike as you possibly can. It will deter thieves as they will not be able to get rid of a marked bike as easily as an unmarked one, and it will increase the chance of getting your bike back if it is stolen.
Mechanical security
You can now get locks and chains to protect your motorbike that Houdini would find it difficult to break into! They are also a good visual deterrent, the opportunist thief is not going to want to spend time trying to get a lock off a bike as this will increase the chance of being caught.
Lock your bike to something solid and immovable, like a bike anchor and keep locks and chains off the ground as this makes them harder to break.
Electronic security
Having a Thatcham approved security system † on your motorbike may help keep the price of your insurance down. Thatcham is the industry standard for safety and quality and is recognised by all insurance companies.
Devices are graded by Thatcham into the following order:
Thatcham grade one - alarm and immobiliser
Thatcham grade two - immobiliser
Thatcham grade three - mechanical security such as a ground anchor or chain
If you have a motorbike alarm and/or immobiliser fitted it is less likely that your motorbike will be stolen - you can therefore expect to pay less for your insurance policy than someone who has no security device on their motorbike.
Park in safe, well lit areas. Try to look for a public car park that is part of the police approved “Safer Parking Scheme”. For further information and location of your nearest safer car park scheme go to www.saferparking.com †. Use a motorbike cover whenever your motorbike isn't garaged.
Vehicle value
The more expensive a motorbike is, the more it will cost an insurance company to repair or replace it if you make a claim on your policy, so the more they will charge you for your insurance.
Vehicle age
If you own an older motorbike you may well find your insurance quote is less than if you wanted to insure a newer bike. This is because the cost of replacing parts or the bike itself will be much less if you make a claim. The insurance quote should reflect this.
This doesn't apply to collectables or classic motorbikes. Although these may have been manufactured and produced some time ago, the cost of parts or replacing the bike for an insurer could potentially be very expensive as they are rare and difficult to find. A specialist classic motorbike insurance company should be able to offer you a competitive quote.
Vehicle use
What you use your motorbike for will have an impact on the cost of your insurance premium. Just using your bike socially to visit friends or at the weekends in the summer for enjoyment means you are much less of a risk to your insurance company than if you use your motorbike to travel back and forth to work, or you use your bike for your work.
If you need business use on your motorbike then your premium may increase to cover the increased mileage you will be doing as you are seen as a greater risk of having a claim or accident.
Here are the different types of use for your motorbike. Make sure you tell your insurance company exactly what you use your bike for:
Social, domestic & pleasure - cover for day to day riding, such as a visiting family, friends or going shopping
Commuting - covers you to ride to and from one fixed place of work. It also includes travelling to and parking at a railway station
Business use - use of your motorbike in connection with your job, such as riding to more than one place of work
Commercial travelling - covers you and your bike to be used for things like door to door sales
Your address
Where you live can affect your insurance premium. For example, if you live in an urban area there are high levels of traffic and so the chances of being involved in an accident are higher. Motorbike insurance companies are aware of this and it will be reflected in the cost of your motorbike insurance quote. This doesn’t mean that living in the country means you won’t have a claim or accident but with fewer road users it's less likely.
You may get a discount for keeping your bike locked in a garage overnight or parking it on a driveway rather than on the road.
Make sure you give your insurance company the address that you spend most of your time at. For example if you are a student and you use your motorbike while at university, tell your insurance company otherwise if you try and claim on your insurance they may refuse to pay as you haven't disclosed the correct information about where your bike is kept.
Our top tips for cheaper bike insurance
Shop around for the best quote
Shopping around will increase your chances of saving yourself some hard earned money. The insurance market is extremely competitive and it is always worth looking around for a better deal.
The easiest way to do this is to use an insurance comparison site like Gocompare.com. Instead of repeating your details again and again on the phone or having to input them into lots of different websites, you just fill in one form and Gocompare.com will show you prices and policy benefits from the leading motorbike insurance companies. You can then choose the policy that is right for you and buy it then and there.
Alternatively you can phone individual insurance companies and speak to one of their sales team, or visit individual insurance websites and get quotes from their online systems. If you prefer a more traditional way of buying your insurance, you can visit a branch of a broker or insurance company on the high street and talk to someone face to face.
Choose a smaller, older or less expensive bike
A motorbike with a less powerful engine will reduce your insurance premium, as will an older, less expensive bike as repair and replacement costs are lower.
Avoid modified bikes
If you want to keep your insurance costs down, don't buy a bike that has lots of modifications on it. Insurance companies charge more to insure them as they are more likely to be stolen and it is expensive to replace the modified parts.
Limit your mileage
You are likely to get a discount from your insurance company if you do less mileage. You are seen as less of a risk to them as you are not on the road as much.
Improve your bike's security
Make sure your motorbike has a good security system, a Thatcham approved electronic alarm and immobiliser should have an impact on your premium.
Park in a secure area
If your bike is kept locked up in a garage overnight or is stored off the road on a driveway, this should impact on the cost of your policy.
Consider who rides your bike
The price of your insurance can be affected by who is insured to ride your motorbike. Having a young inexperienced rider on your policy will generally mean that your premium will increase.
Motorbike use
The more you use your bike, the more expensive your insurance will be. If you just use it to go on social trips and for everyday things such as shopping and visiting friends as opposed to using it to visit different places for work, your insurance company will see you as less of a risk of making a claim and this may have an impact on your premium.
Is the cheapest quote automatically the best?
As with most things in life, you get what you pay for with insurance. Buying the cheapest policy can sometimes mean you don't get all the benefits normally associated with a motorbike insurance policy. Some insurance companies offer 'stripped down' policies (they have less cover than a normal policy) which are cheaper but do not give you the same amount of protection as a conventional policy.
For example if you have an accident and your motorbike needs to be repaired, it might be essential that you have a replacement bike to get to work while the repairs are being done. A stripped down policy may not cover this, so you should to work out exactly what cover you need and check to see which policies offer what you need.
At Gocompare.com you can decide what extra cover you want to during the quote process, and we'll show you which policies have the cover you need as well as which are the cheapest, leaving you to decide the best option.
Why has the price increased?
There are a number of reasons why the price of your motorbike insurance might have gone up including external factors like the economic climate as well as more personal reasons to you such as having made a claim on your policy or getting a motoring conviction.
If you've managed not to have any accidents or claims in the past year, kept the same address, the same motorbike, or made any reportable changes to your insurance details, you'd think the cost of your insurance would remain the same as what you paid last year, or even be lower if you have gained another year's no claims discount. However your renewal premium could have increased because of a rise in the costs insurance companies are paying out for claims, or your insurer has changed its target market.
If you want a lower premium you'll need to shop around. With Gocompare.com you can scan the majority of the market in seconds to find a cheap motorbike insurance quote that's just right for you, and choose the level of cover you need. Best of all we are open 365 day a year, 24 hours a day and we'll save your quotes so you can take out your insurance when you're ready.
Motorbike history
Before you buy a motorbike, it may be worth running a history check on it. Although there are a number of reputable services out in the market, one of the better known check providers is HPI check†.
HPI have been checking the histories of used vehicles for years and have helped a vast number of people avoid buying motorbikes that have been stolen, clocked, written-off, or that have unpaid finance against them.
Motorbike modifications and your insurance
It's really important that you tell your insurance company of any changes made to your motorbike from the manufacturers' standard specifications.
Once a bike has left the manufacturers, any changes made to it are classed as modifications and you have to tell your insurance company what the modifications are, for example if you swap your standard exhaust for a sports exhaust.
There is a misconception that all modifications will force your insurance premiums through the roof. For the most part this isn't true. Many of the most common modifications actually have little or no effect on premiums at all.
Below we have listed the modifications our panel of cheap motorbike insurers will quote for online, so you can find a competitive insurance quote:
After market fairing/panniers/luggage box > £1000
After market fairing/panniers/luggage box up to £1000
After market fairing/panniers/luggage box up to £500
Bike Now De-Restricted
Carbon Fibre/Chrome additional or replacement parts > £1000
Carbon Fibre/Chrome additional or replacement parts up to £1000
Carbon Fibre/Chrome additional or replacement parts up to £500
Change of Forks
Change of headlight (single)
Change of headlight (twin)
Change of Indicators
Change of Rear Sets
Change of Screen
Change of Swing arm
Change of Wheels
Crash Bobbins
Dyno Jet 1
Dyno Jet 2
Dyno Jet 3
Exhaust - Increase capacity > 5%
Exhaust - Increase capacity up to 5%
Exhaust - No performance increase
Extended Forks
Fairing Added
Fairing Removed
Hardtail (Rigid Rear Suspension)
Headlamp Guards
Heated Grips
Indicators Removed
Intercom (permanent fit)
Low Profile Tyres
Mirrors Added
Mirrors Removed
Murals/Special Paintwork over £1000
Murals/Special Paintwork Up to £1000
Murals/Special Paintwork Up to £500
Nitrous Oxide
Non-Standard Handlebars
Non-Standard Seat
Non-Standard Stereo System
Pannier Removed
Power Commander
Quick Shifter
R & G Crash Protectors
Racing Colours
Rear Seat Cowl
Rebore/Re-sleeving/increase engine capacity > 10%
Rebore/Re-sleeving/increase engine capacity 6-10%
Rebore/Re-sleeving/increase engine capacity up to 5%
Replacement Seat (adding a pillion seat)
Replacement/Altered Frame
Restrictor Kit - 33 bhp from > 40 bhp
Restrictor Kit - 33 bhp from 40 bhp or less
Satellite Navigation
Scottoiler chain lubrication system
Shock Absorber Uprated
Single Seat Conversion
Tuned (all associated parts must also be disclosed)
Upgraded Air Filter
Upgraded Engine Management Chip
Wider Wheels
Uprated Brakes
Blue Printed
Fork Revalve
Braided Hose
Motorbike security and your insurance
Security is an important consideration for insurance companies when deciding what to charge for motorbike insurance. The more secure a bike is, the more likely an insurance company will give a security discount.
There are two main methods of keeping your motorbike secure:
Security markings
By marking your bike you are making it more difficult for thieves to dispose of it once they have stolen it. The markings also mean the police can trace you and return your bike to you if they recover it.
Some types of security markings are:
Alpha Dot
Data Tag
Datatool Tagging Gold/Platinum
Suzuki Secure Marking
Physical security
You can protect your motorbike by increasing its physical security. Either mechanically or electronically.
Locks, chains and bike anchors are examples of mechanical security. They make it a longer and more difficult task for a thief to steal your bike. Alarms and immobilisers are the commonest types of electronic security you can get for your bike. With Thatcham being the industry standard, you should always install a Thatcham approved system, or buy a Thatcham approved mechanical lock or chain. Remember, the more secure your bike is, the less it will cost you to insure.
Here is a list of security devices available for your motorbike:
13mm Mother English Chain & CISA 285/84 Padlock
16mm Mother English Chain & CISA 285/84 Padlock
51612 Ulises Padlock & 13mm X 1.2m Stand
2 Safe Ground Anchor
Abus 34/55 HB 70 Strada
Abus 39XXL Granit Victory Disc Lock
Abus 42 HB 110/300
Abus 42 HB 70/250
Abus 43 HB 110/230
Abus 43 HB 110/300
Abus 43 HB 70/250
Abus 43 HB 90/250
Abus 57 HB 130/230
Abus 57 HB 130/300
Abus 58 HB 140/230
Abus 58 HB 140/310
Abus 59 HB 180/260
Abus 59 HB 180/310
Abus 59/13 MKS Granit Extreme Plus
Abus 69 Victory Extreme
Abus 74 HB 170/260
Abus 74 HB 170/330
Abus City Black/Gold Chain 1010
Abus Disclock
Abus Extra 53 HB 110/300
Abus Extra 53 HB 90/250
Abus Granit 37/60 NB 70 Quick
Abus Granit 37 CS Padlock & MKS/11 Security Chain
Abus Granit 54 HB 150/230
Abus Granit 54 HB 150/300
Abus Granit Black/Gold 37/60 CS 11 MKS
Abus Granit City Chain X-Plus 1060
Abus Granit Extreme 59/180 HB 260/310
Abus Granit Extreme 69
Abus Granit Extreme Black Loop 69/12 KS 120
Abus Granit Extreme Chain 37/80/11 MKS 110/140/170
Abus Granit Extreme Plus 59/12 MKS
Abus Granit Extreme Plus 59/13 MKS
Abus Granit Futura 64 HB 180/230
Abus Granit Futura 64 HB 180/300
Abus Granit Heavy Duty Closed Shackle
Abus Granit Plus 37/80 CS 12 MKS
Abus Granit Plus 58 HB 140/100
Abus Granit Power 58/140
Abus Granit Power Black Loop 58/140
Abus Granit Power Chain 37/6011MKS 110/140/170
Abus Granit Quick 37/60
Abus Granit U Shackle 57/130 HB
Abus Granit U Shackle 58/140 HB
Abus Granit U Shackle Lock
Abus Granit Victory X-Plus Black Loop 68/12 KS/120
Abus Granit WBA 100
Abus Granit X Plus 54/160 HB 230
Abus Granit X Plus 54/160 HB 300
Abus Junior 46 HB 150/230
Abus Junior 53 HB S90/50
Abus Junior Plus 47 HB 150/230
Abus Strada
Abus Vari Black/Gold 35/70 11 MKS
Abus Vari Quick 35/70
Abus Vari Quick 35/70 HBSS
Abus Victory 39
Abus Victory X-Plus 68
Adder Twist Lock
Almax Series 1 Chain & Squire SS50 CS Lock
Almax Series 2 Chain & Squire SS65 CS Lock
Almax Series 3 Chain & Squire SS65 CS Lock
Artago Stone 18ART120
Artago Stone 18ART270
Artago Stone 18ART320
Artago Stone 68T100 Padlock & Chain
Artago Stone 68T120 Padlock & Chain
Artago Stone 68T150 Padlock & Chain
Artago Stone 68T170 Padlock & Chain
Artago Stone 69T Disc Lock
Artago Stone 69T100 Disc Lock & Chain
Artago Stone 69T120 Disc Lock & Chain
Artago Stone 69T150 Disc Lock & Chain
Artago Stone 69T170 Disc Lock & Chain
Artago Stone Ground Anchor 61
Aviator Securitry Anchor
Beartrap Security International V Loc
Bigfoot Chain & 4141 Super Panzer Padlock
Bulldog Security MC100 Lock, Chain and Anchor
Datatool Devil 1000
Datatool Fortress 1
Datatool Fortress 2
Datatool Python Padlock and Chain
Dcibel 1.2m Lock & Chain
Defiant Ground Anchor
Diamond Hard Security Ring & Chain & CISA 285/75 Lock
ECC Superlink Chain & 130 Series Lock
English Chain 350C/25 Abloy Lock & 13mm Superhex Chain
Ground Anchor Umble
Hardie-Secure Ground Anchor
Italjet Double Bridge Ground Anchor
Italjet Protection System
Jetpoint Double Bridge Ground Anchor
Jetpoint Security System
Kawasaki Chain & Padlock
Kawasaki U Lock
KIS Engineering The Vault
Kobra Force T11 Chain and Padlock
Kobra Force T11 Kombi
Kobra Force T13 Chain & Padlock
Konig Kobra Force T11 Chain and Padlock
Konig Kobra Force T11 Kombi
Konig Kobra Force T13 Chain and Padlock
Konig Security System
Krall Disclock (Motorhaus Powersports LTD)
Krall Lock & Chain (Motorhaus Powersports LTD)
Kryponite NY Fahgettaboudit (100+150) & NY Disc Lock
Kryptonite EV Disc Lock
Kryptonite EV XL Disc Lock
Kryptonite New York Disc Lock
Kryptonite Stonghold Ground Anchor
Kryptonite Super Strong Ground Anchor
Linchpin Pro-Fit Ground Anchor
Luma Dogo Procombi/Procombi
Luma Escudo Shackle Plus (140x250)
Luma Escudo Shackle Plus (140x310)
Luma G A 3 Ground Anchor
Luma Solido Access Disc Lock
Luma Solido Chain Plus (110x1100)
Luma Solido Chain Plus (110x1700)
Luma Solido Disc Lock
Luma Solido Ground Anchor
Luma Solido Kit Duo (110cm & 170cm) Disc Lock & Chain
Moore Large Magnum Chain & Ultimate Padlock
Moore Large Magnum Ultimate Disc Lock
MOTOLOC ML 30 C Ground Anchor
MOTOLOC ML 50 B Ground Anchor
MOTOLOC ML 50 C Ground Anchor
MOTOLOC ML DBB Ground Anchor
MOTOLOC ML DBC Ground Anchor
MOTOLOC ML H3B Ground Anchor
MOTOLOC ML MB10 Ground Anchor
MOTOLOC ML RA10 Ground Anchor
MOTOLOC ML RAB Ground Anchor
MOTOLOC ML RAC Ground Anchor
MOTOLOC ML SAC Ground Anchor
Motrax Chromo Padlock & Chain
Motrax Guvna MG01
Motrax Hyerlink
Motrax Viper MV1
Motrax Viper MV2
Motrax Vishas VD1
Mul T Lock Sliding Bolt Padlock & 13mm GoldLlink Chain
Onguard Boxer D
Onguard The Beast Padlock and Chain
Onguard The Boxer Disc Lock
Oxford Anchor Force Ground Anchor
Oxford Boss Alarm Disc Lock
Oxford Boss Disc Lock
Oxford Chain Lock (Disc Lock and Chain)
Oxford Defiance (Ground Anchor and Lock)
Oxford Docking Station
Oxford Enigma
Oxford Hardcore Chain Lock
Oxford Hardcore Disc
Oxford Hardcore Padlock & Chain
Oxford Large U-Lock
Oxford Magnum 2000
Oxford Magnum Chain
Oxford Monster
Oxford Monster Chain/Padlock
Oxford Monster Disc Lock
Oxford Monster MK2 Disc Lock
Oxford Monster MK2 Padlock & Chain
Oxford Omega
Oxford Omega ST
Oxford Patriot
Oxford Patriot Disc Lock
Oxford Revolver
Oxford Rotaforce Ground Anchor
Oxford Stinger Chain Lock
Oxford Stinger Disc Lock
Oxford Terra Force Ground Anchor
Oxford The Boss 12mm Chain & Lock
Paddock Saferack Ground Anchor
Pewag Dragon 11 x 150 Padlock and Chain
PJB Bike Mate Chain Anchor
PJB Bike-Mate Drive in Anchor & Boxer Chain Padlock
PJB Boxer Chain and Padlock
PJB Boxer Ground Anchor
PJB Chain Lock (Disc Lock, Chain & Ground Anchor)
PJB Colossus 16mm Chain & Viper 16mm Shackle Lock
PJB Colossus Bolt Down Anchor
PJB Colossus Built In Anchor
PJB Colossus Mega-Link 16mm Chain & Squrie SS65 Padlock
PJB Concave Anchor
PJB Defender Ground Anchor
PJB Extreme Multi Point Anchor
PJB Gladiator Chain and Padlock
PJB Gladiator Ground Anchor
PJB Goliath Ground Anchor
PJB Red Alert Double Bridge Ground Anchor
PJB Retractable Ground Anchor
PJB Rota Head Anchor (Bolt Down)
PJB Rota Head Anchor (Built In)
PJB Taurus Bull Post Ground Anchor
PJB Taurus Bull Ring Ground Anchor
PJB The Granit Block Anchor
PJB Titanic Mega Chain/Disc Lock
Red Alert Anchor
Red Alert Double Bridge
Red Alert Retractable Ground Anchor
Rhino Defiant Ground Anchor
Rota Head Anchor
Rotalock 60/12 & Safeguard 11.2 Chain
RS Tank Padlock with Tank 12mm 20cr Square Chain
Safe Bike
Safeguard Anchor Plate
Samson Ground Lock
Serious 37 Ground Anchor/Lock
Serious 50 Ground Anchor
Silver Stone Padlock and Chain
Sliphook Anchor +
Squire G A 1 Ground Anchor
Squire ML 2N Disc Lock
Squire Paramount Plus
Squire SS50CS/MC4 Padlock and Chain
Squire SS50CS/MC6 Padlock and Chain
Squire SS65CS/MC4 Padlock and Chain
Squire SS65CS/MC6 Padlock and Chain
Stronghold - The Ground Anchor
Torc Ground Anchor (Pragmasis Ltd)
Trelock Toro Lock
Trojan Ground Anchor (European Security LTD)
Trulock Ground Anchor
Umble Ground Anchor
Viro Golden Shadow Padlock and Chain
Viro Guardian Angel Padlock and Chain
Viro Silver Shadow Padlock and Chain
Welloc Cobloc - The Welloc
Xena Claw 14 with XN14 Disc Lock
Xena Claw 15 with XN15 Disc Lock
Xena Claw 16 with XN16 Disc Lock
Xena XMS 14 Disc Lock
Xena XN 15 Disc Lock Alarm
Xena XN 18